N.O.V.A Wiki
Gerard Folsom
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President of the Colonies
Commander in Chief

Gerard Folsom was the President of the Ceresian Republic which was in fact controlled by the Overseer. Gerard Folsom was also nominally Commander-In-Chief of the army of the Human-Volterite Alliance.

N.O.V.A. 2[]

Not much known about President Folsom's early life. It was said that President Folsom worked with the first Overseer to use Volterite technology to fight and win against the troops of the Earthlish Regime which ruled the Near Orbitals around Earth.

When a N.O.V.A. soldier who was named as Kal Wardin attacked the Sky City, President Folsom faced Captain Wardin in the Imperial Palace on the Sky City. The president tried to convince the captain to give in but the captain refused to do so. Then the president attempted to shoot the captain in the hopes he wasn't fully alert. However, the president failed. Presdent Folsom was successfully shot and killed by Captain Wardin an instant later.

N.O.V.A. 3[]

President Folsom's death was briefly mentioned in the introduction of Homecoming. It was said that the president's death was marked as the end of the reign of the Human-Volterite Alliance. Some sayings claimed the Overseer soon formed an alliance with the leader of the Terran Regime and built the Dominion, trying to defeat the Earthlish Regime which was defended by N.O.V.A. forces.


Armor Set[]


  • There's a news article on his death here (archived link here).
  • Since N.O.V.A. 3 is the first N.O.V.A. game which many players played, most of these players didn't know much about the story of N.O.V.A. 2. Therefore, many of them thought that President Folsom was a great leader of human regime, and his death resulted in the end of humanity's peaceful era. However, the fact is that President Folsom was not on N.O.V.A. forces' side; instead, he was their enemy.